
可访问性受到重叠法律的影响, 代码, standards and initiatives which can make it more challenging than other aspects of the developing environment. Our team of experts can help navigate these requirements, 比如美国残疾人法案(ADA), 公平房屋法(FHA), 国际建筑规范(IBC), state and local amendments as well as other specialty regulatory guidelines to find the best solutions for your projects. We also provide guidance to remove additional access barriers through advocating for inclusive design opportunities that meet more individuals’ needs and improve overall experiences of the community and end users.


Our accessibility experts guide your team from start to finish for any new construction project. We can help determine applicable scope and areas of concern in the design, provide thoughtful guidance for accessible design details, 并在施工过程中协调实施. Because we know the design and construction process start to finish, we are able to anticipate potential problems before they happen and offer solutions. There are always various options to meet design goals and we can help uncover them.

  • 咨询 for Feasibility, Concept/Planning, Design, & 建设
  • 计划、设计、 & 图纸审核
  • 建筑工地参观/观察


Existing and historical sites fall under a different standard of care and regulatory oversight than new construction. Our team provides detailed 评估 of existing buildings and sites to evaluate deficiencies and opportunities for designers and owners, including considerations for cost and community impacts. 是否更新楼宇, 进行自我评估, 或者实施一个过渡计划, 彩宝网平台的专业知识将帮助您实现项目目标.

  • 改造 & 租户改善咨询
  • 现有的设施 & ADA的外部场地评估(第II章) & 3)
  • 拆除现有设施的屏障
  • 《彩宝网》过渡计划咨询(《彩宝网》第二章)
  • ADA自我评估咨询(ADA标题II)


Not only do we provide services for design and construction teams, but we also have specialized experience in working with owners, 开发人员, 设施经理, 公民和教育实体, not-for-profits and confidential private businesses to meet more specific guidelines and criteria. We work with these various entities or their external teams on a wide range of accessibility and inclusive design strategies. We can step in at any phase of a project and provide planning, 评估, 报告, 演讲, 建议和解决方案.

  • 公共房屋无障碍设计支持
  • 教育无障碍设计支持 & 商业学校
  • Public-Right-of-Way & 行人评估 & 改进
  • 对有管辖权的当局进行审查
  • 诉讼 & 建筑环境专家见证服务
  • 建筑环境CASp咨询


For groups and projects that have adopted forward-thinking practices and initiatives, our additional service offerings can help businesses and design teams with education on key topics, 源社区反馈, 制定新标准, and double-check existing work for any areas needing improvement. We have the resources and expertise to support looking ahead and developing more inclusive practices that further reduce risk and help more end users thrive in their environments.

  • 培训 & 法规教育 & 更新
  • 社区参与支持改进
  • 制定无障碍设计指引 & 标准
  • 通用设计指南,评论 & 教育
  • 第三方 & 建筑环境的同行评审
  • 产品评论 & 咨询


M.S.、建筑、 B.EnvD, 注册建筑师:CO, National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), 加州无障碍认证专家. casp - 676


Associate Principal Of 可访问性+通用设计

理学学士,物理与数学; Sustainable Building Advisorship Program, Sustainability Consultation, 注册无障碍专家 APA认证建筑环境; 无障碍设施督察/图则审查员 准会员(APA)


全球 Service Line Leader, 可访问性+通用设计

澳大利亚勋章, Diploma of Access 咨询, Accessiblity and Universal Design, 认可通路顾问 证书四:在职训练及评估; 健康及体育/健身文凭 B.A.科学,人类运动
